Saturday, November 15, 2008

Suburban Sprawl

Help-forget the freshman 15, I have suburban sprawl. Any ideas for better eating exercising that won't break the bank or the back?


Muffy said...

Get a healthy routine and stick to it!!!!

Linda Lou said...

Hah!! I have blogger sprawl--since I stopped working I have done too much couch blogging and my pants are letting me know it is time to get movin' and stop eatin'--but wait Thanksgiving and CHristmas are coming -- oh well, there's always 2009 to do Weight Watchers again..

Gabi said...

ugh, let me know if you find a solution!! hmpf.

News Readin' Wife said...

If it touches your lips, write it down. Worked for me...I couldn't believe how much grazing I was doing during the day!

Oh, and purchase a cute little pedometer. Determine a goal of steps to take a day, tie your shoes and off you go.

Toad said...


Jo said...

What a great giggle!

A friend of mine joined Weight Watcher and stuck to it and lost 40 ~ I copied her and lost 20 pounds. I watch what I eat and in the beginning I used the point system. It's really not hard. I still had wine, chocolate and ate good meals.

I walked and used weights for exercise.

Good luck, I hope this helps!

The Pink Totebag said...

L-O-V-E the coined phrase! Mine would be called something like "The Mommy Mush" or something much less clever. I definitely agree with previous posters - don't go overboard, but the holidays are coming and you are just going to beat yourself up if you slip because you just started to diet/exercise. Who needs that?! I think just think moderation during the next month and a half, and then start the new year with whatever regimen you think works - I also have dabbled in Weight Watchers, especially after Caroline was born - and it really does work. No crazy dieting, just teaching you how to eat and portion control.

On another note, thanks for stopping by my blog! It is nice to "meet" you! Yours is really cute - I will definitely be following!

pve design said...

Nothing processed, limit sugar, eat fresh fruits, veggies, lean proteins - lots of water and walk or dance...Music helps! Snacks should be healthy or none. Weigh weekly.